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Healthy Communities Program

Our Healthy Communities Program provides culturally-appropriate education to the African American and Latino communities on cancer prevention, screening and the importance of participating in clinical trials. Our health educators hold informational sessions on cancer health topics, participate in community events, and connect community members with health care resources available to them.

Tobacco Cessation Education and Referral

Why quit smoking?

According to the National Cancer Institute, tobacco use increases the risk of developing cancer and other diseases and causes nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. Diseases like lung cancer caused by smoking kill more African Americans and Latinos than illegal drugs, alcoholism, murder, suicide, and HIV/AIDS combined. The Healthy Communities Program provides information to the public about smoking cessation using the “Clear Pathways” smoking cessation guide and interactive lung models. We also connect current smokers to the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine for free counseling to establish a personal quitting and maintenance plan.

Cervical, Breast, Lung and Colon Cancer Screening Education

Why are cancer screenings important?

Screening tests can help find cancer at an early stage. When cancer is found early, the chance of recovery is higher and the range of treatment options available is wider. African American and Hispanic women die more often due to late diagnosis than other populations. The Healthy Communities program offers informational sessions to groups and organizations in the community about the importance of tests for the early detection of cervical (pap smear), breast (mammography), lung (computed tomography) and colon (colonoscopy) cancers.

Cancer Clinical Trials Education

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are research studies that try to find better ways to prevent, detect, and treat cancer. Only 2-3% of all adults with cancer participate in clinical trials including very low participation of people from the African American and Latino communities. The Healthy Communities Program offers town hall meetings with informational sessions to groups and organizations about the benefits of participating in clinical trials and how to find open clinical trials locally or nationally.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a time for us to bring these free informational sessions to your organization or group. We will come to you!